
When junk food meets classic art

If any kind of food goes with classical art, then it is only the most selected, and even then in small quantities at the opening of a prominent exhibition. Classic art and junk food? Only in the photos of the German Rebecca Rütten!

If, in the 21st century, we find ourselves in a city that does not have a McDonald's, a Subway or a Burger King, then we know that we are somewhere far behind God. Junk food it surrounds us at every step and even worse – at almost every bite. It is not surprising, then, that it also found itself in combination with classical art.

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German photographer and artist Rebecca Rütten si with a series of photos Contemporary Pieces At the tender age of twenty-three, she conceived a provocative combination of modern fast food and classical art. Still lifes with their dark backgrounds, they immediately remind us of those most classical, as painted by Caravaggio, except that instead of fruit in canvas baskets, in all their fatness, typical ones are placed in front of us fried treats from McDonald's or Chinese food in "to-go" packaging. At the sight of such a combination, of course we laugh - but at the same time, in the next second let's think about the sad fact, that French fries are more often on our menus than fresh apples.

Check out Rebecca Rütten's photos of junk food meets classic art in our gallery!

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