
When fashion meets the Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Hexa By Kuho & Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Samsung and renowned avant-garde women's fashion designer Jung Kuho with the Hexa by Kuho brand presented beautiful new accessories for Samsung's Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy S4 zoom devices at Paris Fashion Week.

These are elegant letter bags and fashion cases, which can be worn on the shoulder with a leather belt, made of luxurious leather and decorated with a traditional housuga (Korean decorative fancy flower) pattern. There is a brand on the catwalk Hexa by Kuho presented a white bag for Galaxy Note 3 and a black and white Galaxy S4 zoom case.

The sophisticated letter case for the Galaxy Note 3 will appeal to lovers of elegance.

Hexa By Kuho & Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Hexa By Kuho & Samsung Galaxy Note 3

"I draw my inspiration from many different sources, from film to art, and this project caught my attention because it offered a new medium to tackle," he admitted. Jung Kuho, the owner of the brand. »Fashion and technology they have a lot in common, including always trying to push existing boundaries, so I grabbed the opportunity with both hands to try to bring the two industries together."

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