
Concert: Laibach with the new album at Kino Šiška

After the triumphant conquest of North Korea, also immortalized in the high-profile film Liberation Day, the cult local band Laibach returned with their first studio album after the 2014 hit Spectre. Also Sprach Zarathustra's 20th studio album, which is already receiving praise from critics all over the world, will be premiered on our soil at Kino Šiška, and of course the performance will be supplemented with other compositions from their extensive repertoire.

Important information
Cinema Šiška, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
early bird: €18.00, advance sale: €22.00, on the day of the event: €25.00

Slovenian institutions Laibach, which is almost four decades grinding irresistibly through the world of music, no introduction is necessary. Your latest masterpiece Also Sprach Zarathustra was originally created by the artistic collective for the theater performance Thus Spoke Zarathustra, based on the most important work of the famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It's an album The Quietus described as spectacular and sublime, perhaps even quite a cast magnum opus. Other media also don't skimp on praise - PopMatters would, for example, use the new compositions to accompany David Fincher's next film, Mine marked the board as “100 % Laibach”, Wiener Zeitung but he wrote simply "Laibach is the law."

The album, supported by older hits, will have its live premiere in Slovenia December 8 at the Šiška Cinema.

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