
Lamborghini and Xiaomi joined forces and Gokart PRO was born

Xiaomi demonstrates its innovation in many areas. Now, with his knowledge and creativity, he has entered the world of go-karts. After building its own version of the Ninebot GoKart, the brand has announced that it will be working with Italy's premier supercar manufacturer - Lamborghini Cars.

Xiaomi “Lamborghini Edition” Ninebot GoKart Pro will have the iconic shade of yellow – “Giallo Orion”, improved LED headlights “Ice Lake Blue” and a 432Wh battery. It also boasts a range of tires adapted to higher driving performance. For those of you who want a real Lamborghini experience, Xiaomi has introduced a unique engine sound profile emulation system in Ninebot GoKart Pro that can replicate the various tones of a regular Lamborghini engine.

Xiaomi ft. Lamborghini
Xiaomi ft. Lamborghini

Pre-orders are currently available on Xiaomi's website for approx 1440 dollars.

Xiaomi ft. Lamborghini
Xiaomi ft. Lamborghini

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