
Laminate requires special care: How to properly clean laminate floors?

We reveal the secret of shiny floors

Photo: envato

When it comes to interior design, laminate flooring is a popular and affordable choice for homeowners. With its versatility and aesthetic appeal, laminate flooring can transform a room. However, one common challenge faced by laminate flooring enthusiasts is maintaining their shine. A seemingly smooth surface can be deceiving, as laminate floors require special care to maintain their shine. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the reasons and problems that come with cleaning and equip you with effective techniques to keep your laminate floors sparkling clean.

How to properly clean laminate floors? The key to shiny laminate floors is in gentle care, appropriate accessories for cleaning and a proactive approach to maintenance.

Why is laminate flooring difficult to clean?

Laminate floor can present a challenge in cleaning due to several factors, as they have sensitive surface, which is easily scratched. Rough or abrasive cleaning tools can damage the protective layer, resulting in a dull appearance. Excessive humidity it can penetrate the seams and edges of laminate flooring, causing swelling, warping and loss of gloss. This makes traditional erasure methods a potential hazard. Laminate floors are sensitive to some chemicals, which can erode their protective coating. Using the wrong cleaning products can cause a dull appearance.

How to clean laminate floors

Cleaning laminate floors doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right cleaners and a little knowledge, you can easily maintain their shine.

Choose a microfiber cloth, which is gentle on laminate surfaces and effectively picks up dirt and grime without scratching the floor. Choose pH-neutral cleaner for laminate flooring to prevent damage. Another option is to mix the solution one part vinegar and three parts water. Use the broom with soft bristles or vacuum cleaner, sweep or vacuum regularly to remove dirt and prevent scratches. A clean, dry cloth or towel is essential to quickly wipe up spills and prevent moisture damage.

Cleaning process

Remove first dirt and debris with a soft-bristled broom or vacuum cleaner. This prevents scratches during the cleaning process. Microfiber cloth lightly moisten with the selected cleaning solution. Excess water can cause damage, so wring the cloth thoroughly. Mop the floor gently, paying attention to high-traffic areas. Stay away use excessive amounts of water and focus on removing stains and dirt. After mopping, use a clean, dry cloth or towel to dry the floor immediately. This helps prevent moisture from seeping into the seams and edges.

Clean laminate floors with a microfiber cloth. Photo: Polina/Pexels

How to deep clean laminate floors

While regular cleaning keeps the surface clean, occasional deep cleaning ensures that your laminate floor will remain in excellent condition for a long time. For for deeper cleaning, use a specialized steam cleaner for laminate flooring. Make sure the steam is not too hot and avoid excessive humidity. Invest in a quality laminate floor cleaner designed for deep cleaning. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for best results. Consider professional cleaning services for a thorough and professionally performed deep cleaning. Professionals have the experience and tools to bring your laminate flooring back to life.

Photo: Shvets/Pexels

How to keep laminate floors clean

Preventative measures play a key role in keeping your laminate floors clean and shiny over time. To entry points place carpets or rugs, to catch dirt and prevent it from being tracked onto laminate floors. Fasten furniture mats for chair and table legs, to prevent scratches when moving the furniture. Wipe up any liquid spills immediately to prevent moisture damage and stains. Hold on routine cleaning schedule, to prevent the accumulation of dirt and the need for intensive cleaning.

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