
Fabric softener is versatile – it's not just for laundry!

Photo: envato

You'll be surprised to hear what else you can use it for.

Did you know that fabric softener is not only useful for washing clothes? In fact, you can use it in all rooms of the house.

Here are some great tricks to keep your home fresh by using it.

Refresh the space

Fill the spray bottle with fabric softener and water in a ratio of 1:3 and spray the curtains and carpets, and in this way you can also refresh the interior of the car.

Remove old wallpaper

Mix the softener cap with 4 dl of water, soak the sponge and let it stand for 30 minutes, then coat the wallpaper with it.

Clean burnt pans

Burnt pans can be a real nuisance. But instead of scrubbing them aggressively, try soaking the bowl with a spoonful of fabric softener dissolved in warm water. Leave it on overnight and it will be easier to wash it off in the morning. The burnt crust will slide right off.

You can clean many things with fabric softener. Photo: Towfiqu Barbhuiya / Unsplash

Restores brushes

Wash paint brushes in 2 liters of water with a drop or two of fabric softener and they will be much softer.

It prevents the accumulation of dust

Apply two drops of undiluted fabric softener to a soft cloth and wipe the TV and computer. This will eliminate static electricity and less dust will accumulate.

The shine of the glass surface

Pour fabric softener and water in a 1:4 ratio into a spray bottle. Spray with a soft cloth and wipe the windows, shower, mirrors, then wipe with a dry cloth.

Softens carpets

To disperse the fibers and freshen the smell, mix warm water and fabric softener, spray the carpet, leave for a few minutes and wash with a steam carpet cleaner. It is important to wash them well if you have small children or animals.

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