
You're not selfish: 5 reasons to put yourself first without guilt

Photo: Evg Kowalievska / Pexels

Are you familiar with the feeling that you just give all the time, but when you need someone to stand by you, there is no one there? That people don't value your time, energy and advice? Such feelings and thoughts are far from pleasant, so it's time to change something in the field of relationships and make a conscious decision to put yourself first. No, such behavior is not selfish, but is absolutely necessary for the health of your psyche and, consequently, your body.

We have prepared for you 5 reasons to put yourself first.

1. You cannot help others when you are mentally tired

Have you heard the saying before? "You can't pour from an empty cup?" (You can't top up from an empty glass)? This metaphor can help you whenever you are worried that worrying about yourself is a sign selfishness. If you will be all yours energy and time handed out and putting yourself last, you will soon feel overloaded and exhausted. And you can't tell your loved ones in such a state to help, much less convince them that everything will be fine in the end.
That's why it's important to first look at own well-being and make it yours clean energy and positive. Only then will you be able to your loved ones came to the rescue and also through them own happiness have shown that they can always find a solution.

You will be completely exhausted, it will be difficult to help others oto: Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels

2. People will respect you more

Maybe you're putting yourself last because you're worried it would be different lost friends, partner.. but you are actually achieving opposite. If you constantly let people know that you have no emotional boundaries and that you will always be ready to let go of everything for them, this is how you send them the message that you are them available all the time– regardless of your problems and personal hardships. It is not necessary that they have bad intentions - if not their feelings express, it is entirely possible that they did not thought.
So show your loved ones that they you love, but that you also have your life and that sometimes you need time for yourself. You will soon notice that they are yours relations improved and that all of a sudden you won't feel like most people just exploits. If it happens that then someone leave your life, don't worry: you never needed such a person.

3. You will feel better mentally and physically

Sometimes we forget how very big it is the meaning of our psyche. All bodily processes depend on how we feel inside and if we constantly tell our body that we are not important and we ignore the messages, that he needs rest, the consequences can be very serious. The same applies if our psyche is constantly filled with worries and anxiety regarding the reactions of the people around us.
That's why it's so important to take each day a few moments to yourself and indeed listen to your body. It's important to trust yourself: you yourself know exactly what you need and what your path to it is healthy life.

Inner happiness is also expressed in the health of the body Photo: Ekaterina Bolovtsova / Pexels

4. You are a constant in your life

It is not the most pleasant for anyone if lose a friend, partner or even a family member. However, this is also a part of life and then it is very important that it is love, which we feel to themselves, strong enough so that the departure of a loved one does not completely crush us. You must understand that you are the only one fixed rate guaranteed, that you have in your life and that it will be much easier for you if you are yourself stood by the side both for better and for worse.
If you will fill your thoughts with positively and happy expectations, your life will suddenly look a lot better. And you will have a hard time doing that if you don't put yourself on first place.

5. You will feel more confident

Self-confidence sometimes mistakenly perceived as exclusively thoughts that overwhelm us when we look into a mirror. Yes, of course it is important that you have love your body and that it doesn't look like it you are looking for a mistake. However, a big part of self-confidence is also how you do it you function in relationships. If not your feelings you take into account and let people treat you however they want, your self-confidence cannot be at its peak. You will also find it difficult to perceive yourself as someone who you are he deserves only the best, if you are not ready to give yourself even a moment for yourself.

Remember: how we perceive ourselves is foundation our future. So make the decision to be on your own self-image as much as possible and thus achieved that it will bright and full successes, which you dream about.

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