
Learn to control the power of your desires

Photo: Oleg Ivanov / Unsplah

Life is made up of little things and is full of small and big wishes. You want them to come true as soon as possible, don't you?

You want only big wishes to come true, but you forget about small ones, but that's exactly what's to blame, yes the desired manifestation does not occur.

This is the same as when you first furnish the interior of the house, but you have not yet built the foundation and walls. By working on small desires and results, you connect with the universe and start looking at things differently.

You stop focusing on mistakes, focus on experience. And in this way you create a good path for further movement. What you should understand and accept is to calmly look at all the little things and coincidences that happen to you.


Allow individual situations to separate as they unfold. Don't get upset immediately because something doesn't go according to your idea. You must realize that you live in a system that is connected to many people and events, not just you, you are not alone.

Gumperson's Law is simple: the probability of achieving the desired result is inversely proportional to willpower. It's a bit unbelievable, but it really works that way. The less you give power to the desire for what you want, the faster it will come to you.

There are several ways to achieve this. Learn to live in time with the universe, therefore in the present moment don't try to rush the course of events.


There is no need to obsess and think about when it will happen. Because it won't happen that way. You have calmly realized what you want and move on. You are not risking anything for this desire. Imagine imagining something, wishing for it, and sending it into space. No expectations and no worries.

You continue to enjoy other things. The universe reads your wish and helps you make it come true. Learn to control the power of desire and believe in the power of time. When you learn to set smaller goals, it becomes much easier to achieve big ones.

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