
Walk away if love is one sided

Photo: envato

Just leave. No regrets. With a smile, because such a person will never love you, the way you want, because he only loves himself.

A partnership is a relationship in which there are two people and not just one.

Leave a relationship if the love is one-sided, if you feel like you're the only one putting energy into it, making compromises, making sacrifices.

Never hesitate, but run away from a relationship where you are not respected. If your heart seeks more. There's nothing wrong with that, that's life.

Your expectations are not too high. You should be in a relationship where you and your partner are equal.

You shouldn't stay trapped in a one-sided relationship. You shouldn't force yourself to stay just because you're used to where you are. You can't let your past hold you back from letting your decision to leave a relationship decide your future.


You always have a choice — and you can choose happiness. You can choose to find true, unconditional love. You don't have to settle for less.

Be with someone who wants to hear what you have to say, who cares about your opinion, who listens when you say no, who loves you - no matter what.

Compromises must not be one-sided. You shouldn't be the only one trying to solve relationship problems. The only one who apologizes when he makes a mistake.

Partnership is reciprocity. Both of you should fight for the relationship or end it.

Better leave and you will be found by a person who will take the stress out of your life, not burden you with lies.

Appreciate yourself and true love and the person will find their way to you.

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