
Jack Nicholson's legendary movie scenes

Film audiences love talent. Well, if the talent also possesses the necessary charisma, then we can already talk about a film icon. In our opinion, Jack Nicholson is one of them. The legendary film actor turned a respectable 77 years old yesterday.

Jack Nicholson signed something the most original movie scenes, which we enthusiastically follow and spin many times. The actor is already appearing on the movie screens since the 1960s and a series of roles one by one. Twelve-time Oscar nominee, he conquered it three times. He is the owner seven globes, and in 1994 he became the youngest player to receive lifetime achievement award American Film Institute.

Check out some of the legendary movie scenes in the videos below

Five Easy Pieces (1970)

Batman (1989)

As Good As It Gets (1997)

A Few Good Men (1992)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

Chinatown (1974)

Easy Rider (1969)

The Shining (1980)

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