Lego bricks are timeless toys and there is probably no one among you who has not encountered them in their childhood. Therefore, it is not surprising that on average every person in the world has as many as 86 bricks at home, nor is it that Lego is the biggest rubber. And if you put these cubes one after the other, just with the number of cubes sold in 2012, you would circle the face of the Earth 18 times with them! You can read more interesting facts about Lego bricks in numbers below.
Lego bricks (the name comes from a Danish word leg godt, which means good game, and lego in Latin means assemble) are considered one of the most famous toys in the world and one of the most brilliant inventions. Why? Because we can assemble, say and write with only six 2 x 4 cubes, 915,103,765 combinations!
READ MORE: Skyline: Lego bricks for architecture lovers
The first Lego figure was "immaculately" conceived in 1978, and since then more than have come off the assembly line 4 billion. The Danish company produces more than 45 billion cubes every year, which is enough to connect The Earth and the Moon. Why are there Legos? better investment than gold and other interesting facts, check it out in the attached video.
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