
Leica M10 Monochrom: A black and white camera for black and white photography

Leica M10 Monochrom camera

The Leica M10 Monochrom has a specially developed sensor for black and white photography. This will absorb more light than a color sensor and produce significantly sharper photos.

It goes without saying that any photo taken with a camera will be in color. What we do with it later is not important here. But what would you do if you got your hands on a camera that doesn't change colors and produces black and white photos onlyLeica M10 Monochrome it is one such camera that simply does not know the color sensor. Most would raise their hands over such a camera, because this kind of photography demands it a lot of experience and knowledge of appropriately contrasting situations. But if we are already jumping into the world of black and white photography, then the Leica M10 Monochrom is for sure one of the best cameras for that.

The new Leica is the third in the line of the Monochrom series. If the first two cameras in this series took a color sensor and adapted it for black and white photography, the new M10 has Monochrom a unique sensor with a resolution of 40 MP, which was designed specifically for black and white photography. The lack of a color filter and RGB dots means yes the sensor takes in much more light, and there are photos much sharper as with a color sensor of similar resolution. Drastically they also increase the dynamic range and night photo quality. High ISO photo quality is also much better (ISO 6400 on a color sensor has the same noise figure as ISO 12400 on a new Leica sensor).

The entire camera is packed into the body of the M10-P, except it is all black with white lettering. Even the recognizable red logo is gone. They totally are also removed the ability to record videos. But they are preserved touch screen and physical buttons to change settings. Like any Leica, the M10 Monochrom won't exactly come cheap. You will have to pay quite a bit for the housing alone 8,200 euros.

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