
Lend Your Leg: Roll Up Your Pants 2016

Lend Your Leg: Roll Up Your Pants 2016

April 4, 2016 is once again the international day of awareness of the danger of landmines, which takes place under the slogan Lend your leg: roll up your pants. The aim is to educate people about the dangers of landmines and the fight for their ban, and to strengthen solidarity with the victims of insidious weapons that can be hidden even for decades. Rapper/activist Zlatko and multi-practitioner/activist Boštjan Gorenc will be guests at this year's central event, which will be held on Prešeren Square in Ljubljana - Pižama!

Important information
Prešeren square, Ljubljana
Entrance fee
Free of charge

April 4th will traditionally take place international mine risk awareness day, who in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, even so many years after the war, prey on their "prey". They will spice up this year's central event in the center of Ljubljana Zlatko and Boštjan Gorenc – Pajamas.

READ MORE: Orto Fest 2016 – program and performers

They are a symbol of solidarity with mine victims and a show of support for mine action rolled up trousers, therefore, in front of the "mine field" there will be a photo shoot with rolled up trousers, Institution for strengthening human security (ITF), which is the administrator of the campaign in Slovenia, will at the same time draw attention to the problem of landmines and the threat they pose. It will be the same day in the atrium of the Town Hall opening of the art exhibition a child from Slovenia and Gaza (on the topic of freedom and security), who recently underwent rehabilitation at the University Rehabilitation Institute of the Republic of Slovenia - Soča.

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