
Les Diners de Gala – Salvador Dalí's extravagant cookbook reprinted after 40 years

Les Diners de Gala - Salvador Dalí's cookbook

Most people know Salvador Dalí for his bizarre and at the same time beautiful paintings, such as The Persistence of Memory, in which clocks are melted. Did you know that this famous Spanish painter also wrote and published the cookbook Les Diners de Gala? After 40 years, the extravagant book - there are only 400 copies in the world - has been reprinted and a copy can now be yours!

Salvador Dalí is regarded by most as painter, but few know that his artistic repertoire also includes film, sculpture and photography. Even fewer know that it is Salvador Dalí wanted to become at the age of six chef, so it is not surprising that his opus also includes a cookbook, namely Les Diners de Gala. Dalí, who is considered one of the most important surrealist painters, published an unusual book in 1973.

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Les Diners de Gala is the best-selling cookbook in history.
Les Diners de Gala is the best-selling cookbook in history.

The bizarre cookbook, reprinted after 40 years by the renowned Taschen publishing house, is full of bizarre illustrations and recipes inspired by lavish and extravagant parties Dalí and his wife Gale, on which guests were often carried costumes, and walked freely among them wildlife.

Salvador Dalí wanted to be a chef as a child.
Salvador Dalí wanted to be a chef as a child.

The cookbook contains 136 recipes, which are divided into 12 chapters and equipped with, to put it mildly, unusual illustrations, which arouse appetite on the one hand, and disgust on the other.

Salvador Dalí's Les Diners de Gala cookbook:

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