
LG HomeBrew: the ultimate device for brewing home beer

LG HomeBrew: a beer brewing device that will prepare five types of beer.

The idea of a home brewing device isn't new, but LG was the first to introduce a 'capsule' into the equation. LG HomeBrew will be shown for the first time at CES in Las Vegas in January.

Coffee from 'capsules' is good domesticated, and recently we also wrote about similar to a cocktail mixer. LG is with home brewery LG HomeBrew went a step further, because he automated the entire process from fermentation, carbonation and aging to serving and cleaning.

Home brewery LG HomeBrew
Home brewery LG HomeBrew

Into a 'capsule' that will be much larger than those for coffee, they pressed all the ingredients of beer. Malt, yeast, hop oil and aroma, from which it is supposed to be the home brewery brewed about five liters of beer in two weeks, and the progress of the process will be monitored in app on your smartphone.

The device will be connected to the phone.
The device will be connected to the phone.

Five beers will be available: American IPA (modern American beer), American pale ale, English stout, Belgian Witbier and Czech pilsner.

LG HomeBrew will brew five types of beer.
LG HomeBrew will brew five types of beer.

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