
Librottiglia: a book instead of a label - short stories on a bottle of wine

Librottiglia - a book on a wine bottle

Some couples are made for each other. A glass of wine and a good book is a combination we've heard about many times. A good book often goes well with a drop of wine, which inspired Reverse Innovation to combine wine and literature. And the Librottiglia project was born, in which the label of the wines from Matteo Correggio's wine shop is replaced by booklets with short stories by three different authors. Each matches the characteristics of the wine.

Three authors, three short early ones, three different wines. That is Librottiglia, books on a bottle of wine.

Short stories on a bottle of wine.
Short stories on a bottle of wine

Today we read books on tablets, computers and smartphones, why not a bottle of wine, they thought at the studio Reverse Innovation.

READ MORE: Top 5: the best movies for wine lovers

The word Librottiglia is a combination of Italian words a book (book) and bottle (bottle), and it is a mini book etiquette and literature.

Stories on 375 ml bottles wines you can't put down and wine you can't stop drinking have contributed Patrizia Laquidara (La rana nella pancia/The frog in the stomach), Danilo Zanelli (L'omicidio/Murder) and Regina Nadaes Marques (Ti amo. Dimenticami/I love you. I forget me).

Gallery - short stories on a bottle of wine:

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