
She applied her make-up with a condom - you will also imitate her!

Make-up with a condom

If the demand for condoms skyrockets in the next few days, it won't be because of Valentine's Day (well, a little bit), but because of Dutch vlogger Laila Tahri, who discovered an unusually effective and economical way to apply foundation to the face. She took a make-up sponge, slipped it into a – watch this – condom and started applying. The result? Outstanding! Who would have thought that this unusual combination would work and that we would be able to use the condom as a cosmetic device.

Condom as a beauty accessory? As you probably know, a condom can be used for something other than just protection during sex. We wrote about alternative uses in the article Alternative uses of the condom that have nothing to do with sex, and she came up with a new way of using it outside the bedroom popular video blogger Laila Tahri, who wore a condom makeup sponge and applied it to your face foundation. She herself was extremely surprised by the result.

READ MORE: Alternative uses of the condom that have nothing to do with sex

The hidden talents of the condom.
The hidden talents of the condom

Who would have thought that a condom can also be used as cosmetic accessory?! Not only that evenly spread the base, using this method we save on makeup and consequently money, as the condom is not as absorbent as sponges and cotton balls. In the video, you can see how the foundation is applied with a condom. In short, you wash off the condom lubricant, you put a sponge in it and the device is ready to apply powder. Efficient, even and economical. Will you try it yourself?

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