
Lickster App: Become a Master of Oral Pleasure

The Lickster app

Now that you can download the Lickster app to your phone, it's safe to say that there's a mobile app for absolutely everything. Want to improve your oral pleasure skills? Then download Lickster. Wife or the girl will be more than grateful to you or thankfully!

The vast majority of women do not experience orgasm during sex. Developers of the application Lickster they claim that it is much easier to satisfy a woman orally with this ticklish app but they promise that you will become master of oral sex. Many men think they are good at oral pleasure, but in reality they don't know what to do 'down there'. Lickster teaches you that. And that not in theory but in practice!

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For language training.
For language training

The only problem we see with the Lickster app is that research has shown that it is most smartphones and tablets dirtier than a toilet bowl. Therefore, we suggest that before tongue twister training clean your device's screen thoroughly so you don't get poisoned by all those bacteria living on it. You have to while studying lick the screen, on which it appears digital vagina. You can see how it works in practice in the video below.

Although the guys in the video act convincingly, it must be said that this kind of application it doesn't really exist, although many women probably wish they did. We lie. In fact it exists, but you lick instead of the vagina ice cream! So practice on the light!

Mobile application for learning oral sex.
Mobile application for learning oral sex

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