
There is so much more to life than chasing someone

"We can never judge the lives of others because each person knows their own pain and sacrifice." - Paulo Coelho

There is SO MUCH more to life than just finding someone to settle down with. Life is not a race to get engaged, married and have children just to outrun your friends. Playing it will only hurt you.

Let life flow. Let the people run. There are so many other things in life, moments that you can chase and capture.

Chase your dreams. He is chasing a different career. Chase new friendships. Chase your fears. Curiosity chases. He hunts the truth. Chase what you find uncomfortable in order to learn something and grow. He catches everything with certainty. Chase what you are sure will fill your day with happiness tomorrow.

Hunt for something you can count on. Something that will not disappoint you when you look at your life from the future. He hunts solitude. He chases the simple moments. Chasing the sunset.

He chases what most people don't, because what most people chase are other people's dreams. He chases what is original. He hunts, which is unpleasant. It chases change.

There is SO MUCH more to life than just finding someone to settle down with.
There is SO MUCH more to life than just finding someone to settle down with.

He hunts himself. Chase the soul that travels within you instead of the souls that travel outside and around you. Chase your inner child. It chases the important thoughts you've allowed yourself to ignore.

Chase what makes you feel alive, because being alive is much better than simply existing. He hunts himself. Yes, it is hunted because there is nothing more rewarding than sitting down with yourself before you sit down with someone else.

Remember, he always hunts the right things, for the right reasons and with the right intentions. Remember to always anchor yourself to what will give your life depth and meaning. And don't forget that you are always chasing what will give life as much meaning today as it did yesterday.

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