
Little things that guests always notice!

Photo: envato

You may be able to close one eye and not notice the mess, but unfortunately the guests will not. Your home will certainly be scrutinized.

When we enter someone else's home, it's normal to notice little things that its owners stopped paying attention to long ago.

So, when guests enter your home, they will notice what you are not even paying attention to. It only takes 38 seconds for them to notice every little thing and start judging, and that's what bothers them.

Let's see what!

1. Worn and used slippers

Your good old slippers may be comfortable and you wouldn't trade them for anything in the world, but they may offend your guests. When your guests arrive, offer them new slippers, but keep the old slippers on your feet because you feel at home in them. It would be a good idea to have special house slippers just for when guests arrive.

Keep your slippers yours. Offer guests new ones. Photo: Jason Yoder/Unsplash

2. Lack of soap on the sink

The residue of a small bar of soap is out of place. Nowadays, when hand washing is very important and separates us from infection, guests will see the lack of soap in your house as a sign of stupidity, and then poverty.

3. Broken enamelware

You are probably emotionally attached to the enamel cup from which you drank milk as a child, but if it is broken and cracked, firstly it is not healthy to use, and secondly it gives the impression of extreme poverty in the house. Get rid of these things. Learn to store memories in your head, not in things.

4. Cracked bowls and cups

It's the same story with cups and bowls. There are so many things available today that may not be cutting-edge, but create a new, prettier and more comfortable feel. Cracked cups and bowls look cheap, dirty to your guests - keep this in mind.

6. Dirty and torn kitchen towels

Kitchen towels should not look like something that is ready to go in the trash. Replace your old holey cloths.

It used to be the most beautiful cup, but now it's ruined. If so, keep it to yourself, don't offer it to guests. Photo: Elena Mozhvilo / Unsplash

7. Crumpled bedding

If guests have announced that they will be spending the night with you, it is best to have new bedding. One that is washed and crumpled gives a very bad impression of you.

8. Protective film on the remote control

When televisions and remote controls and other technology first appeared, people tried to preserve and protect this "precious thing" as best as possible. This is not hygienic.

In addition, guests notice the smell, the temperature, the comfort of the furniture they are sitting on, dirty windows, books, the color of the walls, as well as dust on the decorations on the shelves.

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