
The little things we all do wrong after exercise

Great training, but then you do these stupid things that nullify the effect or even harm you!

After training, we are often full of energy and most of us are in a hurry to get home or to other commitments. That's also why you should pay attention to the things you do wrong right after the workout. The basic rule after exercise is to take your time. At the same time, check what you are doing wrong and eliminate the following "ugly habits" after training!

1. You need to cool down properly.

After several kilometers of running, we take a leisurely walk and allow our overheated body to cool down. This is the only way our blood pressure will normalize, and we will also avoid unnecessary stagnation of blood in the veins.

2. You need to stretch.

After a workout, be sure to take a few extra moments to stretch your muscles. This will allow them to recover more easily and avoid unnecessary "muscle fiber".

3. Don't forget about food.

After exercise, it is absolutely necessary to eat something healthy to allow the body to recover properly.

Exercise makes you happy!
Exercise makes you happy!

4. You must hydrate.

The body cries out for a glass of water after exercise. Sometimes physical activity drives away the feeling of thirst, so just be careful and never forget about sufficient hydration during and after exercise.

5. Do not touch your face!

Fingers away! Touching your face after exercise is completely inappropriate, as the gym is a breeding ground for bacteria. After exercise, be sure to wash your hands and rinse your face.

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