
LJFW 2016: Fashion Designers Young@Squat

During the previous state, almost every housewife had a sewing machine at home, if not more. Mothers made us clothes, blankets, Christmas tablecloths, checkered kitchen curtains, and we, as small children, carefully followed their every move as they sat at the sewing machines. At least once a week, one of the family members wore something new and enviable from the neighbor. The fascination with the fact that an individual can create a piece of functional clothing has remained to this day. Of course, first of all, all of us tried our hand at designing clothes for barbies.

The Young@Squat collective consists of: Timotej Bistan, Barbara Krmelj, Maja Leskovšek, Sara Valencia and Barbara Vrbančič.

What does a presentation at LJFW mean to a designer?
LJFW is the biggest fashion event in Slovenia, it is the most exposed and supported by the media. By presenting at LJFW, we can present our work to everyone who is interested in it in our country. Since we are a young collective, it is important to introduce ourselves regularly. The audience slowly gets to know us and follows our development.

READ MORE: LJFW 2016: fashion designer Ana Jelinič

Young@Squat collective collection (Photo: Jure Makovec)
Young@Squat collective collection (Photo: Jure Makovec)

Inspiration, an idea for the autumn-winter 2016 collection?
Vincent Gallo + Christina Ricci.

The title of the collection?
Vincent & Christina.

What problems do you face when designing the Fall-Winter 2016/2017 collection?
Currently, international distances are causing us problems. We are torn between Slovenia, Berlin and London, which of course also affects the creative process.

Teaser for the upcoming collection
Teaser for the upcoming collection

How many times at fashion weeks?
As members of the second generation of the Young@Squat collective, we have already presented ourselves four times. We presented the Autumn/Winter 14/15 collections entitled Read my Lips, Spring/Summer 15 entitled Paris//Texas, Autumn/Winter 15/16 entitled I'm not from here and Spring/Summer 16 entitled Neoteric.

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