
Ljubljana SweetSwing Festival 2018: learn to swing

If you have always been tempted by swing, then you must attend the event Ljubljana SweetSwing Festival 2018, where you will have the opportunity to dance with the best in the world! This will take place from March 7 to 11 at the Grand Hotel Union in Ljubljana.

Important information
Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from €195.00

If swing your passion, then you can also attend the festival this year Ljubljana SweetSwing Festival 2018, where you will be taught the skills of this dance the best swing teachers in the world: Alice Mei and Remy Kouakou Kouame from France, Isabella Gregorino and Pontus Persson from Sweden, Moe Saka from Great Britain, Vicenzo Fesi from Italy, etc. You will also have the opportunity participation in lectures and discussions about the history of swing and music. In addition to the extra day, this year there is also a novelty live music. Among other things, they are coming Tamás Bényei and the Gramophonia Hot Jazz Orchestra from Hungary and Hornsgate Rambles from Sweden.

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