
Lonely Planet: 10 destinations for everyone traveling on a "budget" (including Slovenia)

Lonely Planet has not forgotten about those of us with limited financial resources and has prepared a list of destinations for 2019 where we will get the most for the price of travel. He also included our beautiful Slovenia among these destinations.

We all probably face it at some point in our lives with limited cash resources and even when we save a few euros for travel, we choose destinations that will be with usbut offer the most for their price, that is, destinations that offer experiences that we can afford. This was also thought of in the guidebook Lonely Planet, where they chose 10 destinations for everyone on a budget. Among them is Slovenia, for which they wrote: “This pocket of Europe is great for anyone who wants to see the best it has to offer but is limited by time or resources. In one day, you can visit a Venetian-colored coastal town, cross the Alpine landscape and dine by the river in the heart of Ljubljana."

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