
Look at your feet: their shape tells you where your roots come from!

What are your supposed roots?

In the past, there was a theory that you could find out who your ancestors were based on the shape of your foot. And some individuals still faithfully follow this method today. What's your foot like?

Some experts believe it can form your about you more, when you think – about your health condition, personality and even, where are your ancestors from. This type of genealogy study is called in the English language "foot and toe ancestry”– and it is a form of studying genealogy based on the shape of your feet, primarily fingers.

It is assumed to exist ten types of feet, namely Roman, Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Egyptian, African, Norse, Mongolian, Oriental and Aboriginal - each type is said to have a unique form that manifests itself in finger size and theirs outline. And although this theory is extremely interesting, it is not scientifically confirmed. Members of different cultures have been mixing for many years, so it is difficult to assess what your roots actually are.

It is assumed that there are ten types of feet.
It is assumed that there are ten types of feet.

Researchers could not resist the temptation, so naturally they tried to find answers to this complex question - many studies have shown that the relative length of the first and of the second finger among the world's population. People who have a second toe longer than the first are said to have these Morton's finger or the Greek foot, but not because all Greeks had it, but because it was the shape of the foot idealized in classical art. And it remained an ideal even during the Roman Empire, the Renaissance and even more modern times (e.g. the foot on the Statue of Liberty).

In the 19th century, other nations (Egyptians, Germans, etc.) were also discussed, which were supposed to be homogeneous, i.e. they should not mix, and thus the idea arose that the foot was a guide to distinguish between different nations, but of course it is not true, as the populations migrated and mixed with each other.

If you still believe that you can tell your roots from the shape of your foot and toes, a little kidding, a little real, take a look the photo below and find out who your ancestors are.

What are your supposed roots?
What are your supposed roots?

And what can your feet say about your personality? If it's yours second finger the longest, it could mean you have leadership skills. Extraordinary small the little finger is said to mean that you are playful and cheerful. If yours second finger on the left foot curved towards the big toe, they are said to be a nostalgic person. Little finger, which is at an angle, like the Greek type of foot, is said to illustrate that you have an unusual personality.

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