No one ever said that luxury women's handbags are cheap, but the price for the most expensive Louis Vuitton handbag is truly shocking. The City Steamer bag, which with its prestige threw down the gauntlet of the famous Birkin bag and is also made of crocodile skin, costs as much as 55,500 US dollars! Would you be willing to pay as much for a piece of leather as you would for a premium model car?
France fashion house Louis Vuitton she made women's handbag, which costs as much as a high-end car (just over $55,000). The City Steamer is otherwise "just" a classic bag with a short handle (due to the removable belt, it can be used as a shoulder bag) made from crocodile skinse and with a cowhide base.
In all probability, we will not find the bag on regular sale, but it will be produced only for important customers. Translation: You won't see it on the hands of the beauty bloggers you follow on Instagram.
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