A year of trials is behind us, and a year of challenges ahead. If for you love is the most important thing in your life, astrologers recommend how to set (and achieve) your goals in love.
Be more vulnerable and not so inaccessible. Let more people into your heart - don't just focus on your partner because one person can't fulfill all your love skills. Balance your enormous love potential with different types of love and close relationships.
Don't chase love. You did this all last year and experienced many disappointments and pains. Take a break from looking for a partner (and from a partner if you have one) and focus on yourself. Be more alone, love yourself more so that you can feel better when someone gives you love.
Forget about setting goals and stop fixing your relationship or looking for a better one, the one you deserve. Relax, have fun and be present in the present. Enjoy the moments.
Stop giving in and allowing. Don't give a fifteenth chance to a person who has already hurt you fourteen times. Stand up for yourself, set boundaries, don't let yourself be trampled. That's all, not just love.
Stop observing and judging, take action. Take the initiative and make the first move. Express your feelings. Be honest and don't spare your heart (when you're actually saving your ego). So what if they reject you! You know what you want, so you can always try again.
A virgin
Expect more. Ask for more. Don't compromise or accept less than you deserve. End a relationship where you are not respected and treated properly. Find someone who is able to give as much as he receives and a relationship in which feelings, stability and mental strength are evenly distributed.
Do your best. Don't take the people you adore for granted. Try harder and give back at least as much as you receive. Show up, open up, be deep and don't let important relationships be superficial.
End toxic relationships. Let go of those who hurt you. Raise your standards and don't believe that you are too complicated, too demanding, and that you scare and drive everyone away. Find a person who makes you feel good.
Be kind to yourself. Don't compare your lifestyle with others - you cannot accept such compromises and be satisfied. Don't feel bad about your need for freedom. Just find a way to include in that love (and freedom) those whose spirit and heart inspire you.
Stop pushing tenderness, warmth, kindness away from you. It is not true that everyone wants to take advantage of you, that relationships are the same as business contracts and that they must be beneficial in order to pay off in the long run. Take risks, relax, let someone into your heart, play.
Relax and stop worrying about love. Love each other as best you know how. Pursue your hobbies, build your career, pursue your passions. It's very likely that you'll meet someone along the way who cares about the same things, so you'll be thrilled.
Embrace your sensitivity and vulnerability – these are your strengths. Do not try to hide behind the mask of a brave and cool person, be open and gentle. Wear your heart in the palm of your hand without fear or shame. Someone will be glad they found you the way you are.