
Love knows 11 different kisses - which one will you choose?

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Ohhh, kisses. The most beautiful and soothing ways to show love, be it platonic or romantic. We have prepared 11 different types of kisses for you to share with your loved ones.

1. A kiss on the forehead

It's a kiss that sends confidence and unconditional love. We usually give it away to their children and thereby give them the courage for new challenges, but it is also a way to be with a partner we prove proximity and intimacy.

A kiss on the forehead gently shows closeness and connection Photo: Dziana Hasanbekava / Pexels

2. Kiss the hand

Kiss the back of the palm usually seen in movies, but it represents one of the most formal ones ways of kissing. Its traditional purpose is to demonstrate decency and respect, so it often appears among those who meet for the first time. Well, of course, you can also dedicate it to your partner and show it to him tenderness.

3. A distant kiss

In this kiss, we actually kiss our fingers, and then we send it with a gesture towards the one to whom we intended the kiss. It could be a sign farewell, when the person is already leaving and out of our reach, or a way of showing love when we walk past someone and don't have time to stop.

4. Kiss through the air

Even this kiss belongs to me more formal. It represents a social gesture in which we press our lips together and bring them closer to another person's face without touching them. This is how we usually kiss people, which we see for the first time,acquaintances and friendswhen with them we welcome or from them we say goodbye.

5. Kiss on the cheeks

When we say hello to someone, we can also exchange "real" a kiss on the cheeks. We will most often do this when it comes to close people or family members, and some even greet complete strangers in this way - it all depends on cultures and how relaxed we are about touches. This kiss also comes into play after at the end of a romantic date - then he sends a message that says: "I had a good time on the date, but I would like to get to know each other slowly."

Will you choose a kiss on the cheeks or the lips? Photo: NeONBRAND / Unsplash

5. Eskimo kiss

A myth of Inuit culture claims that there they kiss by facing each other they rub their noses – how much truth there is in this could be debated. However, the Eskimo kiss is a way for many couples to express their love in a very special way.

6. One lip kiss

This is a seductive move where you gently kiss the upper lip your partner while he kisses your bottom (or vice versa). It is a playful way to show your partner that you want something more to develop from kissing.

7. A gentle kiss on the lips

You exchange such a kiss with your partner when you want to show him off tenderness and confidence, or when you are in to the public. It can be your way too greetings or farewell.

8. French kiss

Now we come to the main, most cinematic kiss Photo: Ron Lach / Pexels

Well, we come to the main one, the most movie kiss. A French kiss refers to one who partners connects the most, and you mostly enjoy it in moments when you are completely alone or in places where it is considered appropriate.

9. Kisses mixed with bites

Kissing that is also playful bites his lip, cheeks and neck, it can be irresistible. How strong your bites will be, of course, depends on your preferences, which are best discussed before the kissing begins. It's also not the kind of kiss you go for when you're kissing for the first time.

10. A kiss on the neck

This kiss rules romantic novels and there is a good reason for that - most of them love them. Namely, the neck is classified as yours erogenous zones, full of sensitive nerves. That's why these kinds of kisses are the perfect way when it comes to foreplay.

11. Kisses all over the body

Of course, you shouldn't just stop at the neck - there are many other parts of the body that deserve your attention, whether it's the belly, hands, back… It all depends on your preferences, as well as yours ticklishness. Such a way of showing passion ends very quickly with a flood of laughter.

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