
LoveSync: a button to invite your partner to games under the sheets

LoveSync: a button to invite your partner to games under the sheets

They're raising money on Kickstarter for a LoveSync button that prompts your partner to make love – meaning you won't have to verbally mention when it's time to jump under the sheets.

LoveSync love button is similar Amazon's Dash, with which one we order products, except that it is intended partner, which is here and there nationally to say to feel the need for sex.

There are two buttons, which means that each has your own – when one presses his, partner's it glows in a gentle light. If the partner is at willing, still alone press the button and then it also glows the first button, which is a sign that happy hours are ahead.

I can make a request ignores – at that time LoveSync button stops shining. You can also change your mind first partner and the request is canceled by pressing the button for a longer time.

LoveSync: a button to invite your partner to games under the sheets.
LoveSync: a button to invite your partner to games under the sheets.

After pressing the LoveSync button the request is active 15 minutes, and the time can be extended to one, two and a half, 8 or 24 hours. So you can on LoveSync button we press in the morning, before we leave home, and then the whole day we live in anticipation of something beautiful.

When one presses theirs, their partner's glows in a soft light.
When one presses theirs, their partner's glows in a soft light.

A set of two buttons is expected to cost calculated around €70.

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