Lucid Air

Lucid Air: Tesla's real competition or electric vehicle with the longest range ever!

In 2017, California-based company Lucid Motors launched Lucid Air electric cars, a vehicle designed and built to set new standards in the world of sustainable mobility. Almost three years later, the company is about to unveil a production version of its luxury electric car that has Tesla rightfully shaking its pants.

Production version of the car Lucid Air it is expected to be officially presented at the New York International Auto Show, but due to the corona crisis it will be presented online, namely September 9. In addition to the final look of the vehicle both externally and internally, new details on specifications and available configurations will also be revealed.

Lucid Air
Lucid Air

Even if all the details are far from being revealed, Lucid Motors has only discovered some information that makes us look forward to the premiere of the electric car all the more. For example, the single-charge Lucid Air was said to set a new standard for electric vehicles, as it is said to have with a single charge, a range of as much as 832.03 kilometers (per EPA), making it the longest-range production electric vehicle ever.

Lucid Air
Lucid Air

And if that's not enough, Lucid Motors has also revealed that the Lucid Air will charge at an extreme speed - the highest of any electric vehicle - as charged for 32.19 kilometers in one minute. For drivers who will be charging their model car in real-world conditions, this can translate to 482.8 kilometers in 20 minutes!

It is also worth noting that the Air should reach a maximum speed of 320 kilometers per hour and will need 2.5 seconds to reach 100 km/h. We will have to wait a little longer for anything else.

Lucid Air
Lucid Air

As already mentioned, the car will be officially presented online on September 9, and the first examples are expected to reach customers in early 2021.

Gallery: Lucid Air

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