
LuminAID Packlite 12 - foldable solar lamp

Luminaid Packlite 12 inflatable solar lamp

The LuminAID Packlite 12 solar light does not have the number 12 in its name by accident. It has a 12-part LED lighting system and provides a dozen hours of light if the light intensity is set to the minimum. If we want it to shine with all its power, the battery provides us with 6, and for emergencies we can use the third option, flashing, which extends the operating time to 32 hours. It is extremely mobile, as it turns into a "pancake" with a single twist.

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Packlite 12
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LuminAID Packlite 12 is a foldable solar lamp that will find a place in every backpack or travel bag, regardless of how full you are. It does not take up much more space when folded as a coaster. It has a solar collector on top, seven hours setting to the sun (and no outlet) are needed to keep its battery fully charged. At medium light intensity, it will glow until 4 p.m.

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The LuminAID Packlite 12 inflatable solar lantern is a must-have for backpackers.
The LuminAID Packlite 12 inflatable solar lantern is a must-have for backpackers.

LuminAID Packlite 12 is waterproof (up to one meter deep), it doesn't sink, and the strap allows it to be hung. Definitely one of those things that should not be missing from the list of any traveler or nature vacationer.

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