
MacGyver Toolkit – a gadget for real survival masters

We all remember MacGyver, who could defuse a bomb with a paper clip or fix an airplane propeller with shoelaces. The popular action hero from the early 1990s, portrayed by Richard Dean Anderson, celebrated his birthday on March 23.

Basic information
Action Hero Toolkit
The price

In honor of the inventive hero, there is a company iFixit presented MacGyver Toolkit – a small survival kit with the most essential things in case of a plane breakdown in mid-air or military captivity in the middle of the jungle. The set contains a simple hair clip, one match, a rubber band, chewing gum, a birthday candle, a paper clip, a shoelace, a stamp and a piece of tape - supplies without which Macgayver wouldn't end every episode so successfully.

So, when you meet again in a save-the-world situation, use this little survival kit. The fate of our planet may depend on one paper clips in combination with a birthday candle.

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