Photo: Made in Yugoslavia/ Instagram

Made in Yugoslavia: instagram profile and online store for all Yugoslavian nostalgics

Life used to be simple. The shop had one type of milk, two types of bread, Radenska and Cockta. Shopping did not require mental effort from the consumer, making a thousand decisions in half an hour, and above all, it was friendly to the wallet, because it was simply not possible to put unnecessary things in the basket.

Even today, we can buy many products from that time, as there are markets and flea markets where items from Yugoslavia are sold.

We have found an Instagram profile for you Made in Yugoslavia which sells items from our former country. Many people will recognize these objects, as they once adorned our homes.

On the Instagram profile and online store you can find real vintage treasures from the former Yugoslavia, as well as some refurbished lamps from the sixties and seventies.

If you are a fan of unique furniture with a touch of sentimentality to the past, you will definitely like this. Each item is well preserved, some have been given a new lease of life, precisely to fit into the interior of a modern home.

If you are going to furnish your home in an industrial style, you can put old lamps and chandeliers, carpets and wooden pieces of furniture in it. The objects are a real time machine of the past that perfectly combines the modern with the traditional.

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