
Madness in a bottle or beer that smells like raspberries

If everything smells like the holidays, why not beer. The pink packaging may not convince real beer lovers, but the interesting ingredients really scream after testing...

Basic information
Rogue Voodoo Pretzel, Raspberry & Chocolate Ale
The price

Rogue Ales and Voodoo Doughnuts have developed the third in a series of interesting and standout beers. Somewhere, the results of this cooperation were called "madness in a bottle." This time it is an ale beer with the taste of pretzel, raspberry and chocolate - with the original name Rogue Voodoo Pretzel, Raspberry & Chocolate Ale. Each sip provides the expected dose of alcohol, but at the same time an interesting taste and aroma of pretzels, raspberries and chocolate. Everything is packed in a super cute pink packaging. Perhaps the whole thing is too complex for real beer lovers, but the addition of raspberries and chocolate can certainly convince some sweet tooth.

Beer instead of dessert?
Beer instead of dessert?

For 7.5 deciliters, we will deduct 13 dollars. This beer follows two predecessors – ale beer with bacon and maple and ale beer with peanut butter and banana. The last flavor in the series sounds the most "normal", but definitely the most suitable for the holiday season. He will go to dessert the most. Or just - instead of dessert.


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