
Maestro™: a fierce battle for the impro throne at SiTi Theater BTC

The Ljubljana Improvisation Theater in collaboration with SiTi Theater BTC and Impro League presents a competition for the best improviser of the evening. Maestro™, which has been entertaining full theater halls across North America and Europe for many years, is a licensed format of the improvisation competition and is coming to Slovenia for the first time.

Important information
SiTi Theater BTC
Facebook event
Entrance fee
€6 and €10

Maestro™ premiering in Slovenia! March 15, 2016, in an evening full of laughter, will thirteen great improvisers under the careful supervision of two directors competed for the title of the best improviser of the evening. Following the directors' instructions and the audience's suggestions, the actors will spontaneously create wild scenes with unpredictable outcomes that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

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Through the actors' stories, which will make you laugh to the point of tears, move your heart or simply enchant you, the improvisers will fought for the affection of the audience and points. Namely, it is a competition for relegation, and the fate of the surviving and abandoned improvisers is decided round by round by the audience. In the end, only one survives - the Maestro!

The first improvisational fight took place on February 16, and the players are embarking on new fights every 3rd Tuesday of the month in SiTi Teatro BTC: March 15, April 19 and May 17.

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