
Magic Leap One: glasses through which you will see the world in a completely different way

Magic Leap One: Creator Edition.

American start-up Magic Leap recently announced that it will release the highly anticipated augmented reality glasses Magic Leap One next year. What can we expect from this innovation that could change our perception of the world?

At first glance, the glasses look like ski goggles, but they hide much more. They work on the principle of data exchange between two processing units. Computer is built into the glasses while being special puck, which mainly takes care of the advanced graphics of the display, separate from the glasses. Users are expected to clip it to their belt. It will be used to connect these units controller.

A look into the virtual world.
A look into the virtual world.

The technology of this incredible innovation will allow us to process digital content in the same way as we process real objects. Magic Leap One will be able to digitally reconstruct reality. For example, we will be able to construct objects such as a virtual TV, or be present in a computer game.

See what the world looks like through Magic Leap One glasses.

Magic Leap has not yet disclosed the price of its device to the public. Given that the industry is new, he will have a lot of freedom in choosing a pricing strategy. Microsoft HoloLens and Apple ARKit should be highlighted as competing products with which Magic Leap One will fight for supremacy.

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