
Magical power affects you too: if you like watching Potter, you're a good person!

Can you believe it's been 20 years since the first book about the "boy who lived" enchanted us? People from all over the world read endlessly about magic, fantastic creatures, dangerous potions and the fight against evil forces. And according to new research, Harry's magical power isn't just limited to books and movies, it affects our lives as well. So those who like Harry Potter are supposed to be better people.

Research were completed in three parts. They are in the first part elementary school students participated in two surveys. These were conducted before and after the children had read those paragraphs that were associated with prejudice (where Draco Malfoy insults Hermione for being a Bunker), and neutral paragraphs (when Harry buys a wand). High school students and students participated in the second and third part of the research. They were asked about their attitude towards aliens after reading about Harry's adventures.

Experts believe that true Harry Potter fans have friends the warmer the bond and the less likely it is, that they will be intolerant of the stigmatized groups – in fact, they should develop greater empathy towards smaller ones.

A Harry Potter character can help you be a better person.
A Harry Potter character can help you be a better person.

This is supposed to happen because we humans have the opportunity seeing the world through Harry's eyes. For example, a key theme of the book is Mrlakenstein's obsession with pure-blood wizards and witches, and so all the characters have to deal with the problems that arise from their differences. Hermione is a "dirty Bunkel", Ron comes from a poor family, Neville Velerit is extremely clumsy, Hagrid is a giant who is not allowed to use magic. And despite all these peculiarities they are good friends who are always ready to support each other.

Furthermore Harry himself knows very well what it's like to be different. He lost his parents and was forced to grow up with his "backward, biased, narrow-minded, ignorant and pious" relatives in the cupboard under the stairs. He had no friends and was often tormented by his cousin.

Despite all the peculiarities, they are good friends who are always ready to support each other.
Despite all the peculiarities, they are good friends who are always ready to support each other.

This fantasy story helps people in the wizarding world seeing dishonesty and later seeing it in real life as well. Harry's character thus helps us to understand, how important is our kindness to others, without paying attention to how different they are from us. And the words of Albus Dumbledore only confirm this: "Differences in customs and language are nothing if our goals are the same and our hearts are open."

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