
Let your kitchen shine: how to easily organize your kitchen

Photo: Envato

When arranging a kitchen, it is not only important that the space will fill you with positive energy, but also its functionality. You must have been in a situation where you or your family members wanted to prepare something quickly, but you couldn't remember where you put certain things. That is why organization is important in the first place. Let's start.

1. Categorize food and items

Nothing will save you more time than knowing exactly where something is stored. Therefore, it is best to determine categories and each to choose a special place in a cupboard, drawer or on the counter. We have prepared a list of categories for you, according to which you can separate kitchen utensils and ingredients:

  • Canned food and spices
  • Pots, pans and other dishes
  • Basic baking products
  • Cutlery
  • Plates and bowls
  • Cutlery and plates for special occasions and all other items that you use less often
  • Towels and cloths
  • Children's plates, bowls and cups
  • Cleaning agents

It's best to write out the categories first and maybe add any others you think you might need. This will make it easier to find a place for everything or get an idea of how much you need.

Give each product its own space Photo: Beazy / Unsplash

2. Divide the kitchen into zones

Once you've determined the categories, it's time to decide where things belong. Rto plant the kitchen to as many areas as you have categories or specific categories combine, if you think you might run out of space. Which areas should your kitchen contain? Here we relied on the opinion of experts.

The key five are the compartment for food storage, cleaning, preparation, container storage and cooking area. The easiest is to find, of course cleaning area, as it is clear that a suitable place for this is near a sink or dishwasher. It will be easiest for you if you will all the food put on the same place, ideally near the refrigerator or freezer. Pots and pans keep ovens, microwaves and hobs nearby, and use the remaining surface for food preparation and store cutlery and crockery in this area.

The organization of space into zones has two very important advantages. The first is that you will find things more easily and quickly, and the second is that several members of the household can use the kitchen at the same time.

What you use the most should be in an accessible place. Photo: Photoholgic / Unsplash

3. Throw away or donate anything you no longer need

Once you've made a plan in your mind, how to go about renovating the kitchen, it's time to start working. And your first task is to get rid of all objects, which you no longer need. It is best to first empty the cupboards and check which food has already expired, as it takes up space and certainly does not contribute to nice smells in the room. Then it's a good idea to think if your space is occupied by dishes that you don't use at all. This does not mean those objects that are intended for special occasions, but gadgets that you can't even hold in your hands. Such items are best given to acquaintances who would be happy to use them.

4. Start cleaning

Cleanliness is essential if you want your kitchen to shine. Once all the cupboards are empty, it's time to get down to dusting the surfaces. A two-step cleaning process should be used here, so that you use first detergent for removing dirt, and then some more disinfectant to destroy all germs and bacteria. Do not forget wipe off of all the leftover food that you had in the cupboards and to clean the sticky glasses.”

Cleanliness is essential if you want your kitchen to shine Photo: 6581245 / Pixabay

5. Start editing

Consider how high you will place the items. Think practically here and make sure there are things that you use most often, within reach. But also consider the weight of the objects. If the item is heavy, store it lower. The highest parts of the cabinets are best reserved for items that are used infrequently.

Also be careful when folding sensitive and glass containers and do not place them high.This would be a recipe for disaster, as they can slip out of your hands and break. Those of you who have children, also focus on having "safe items" within their reach, as they can help you with cooking and become more independent when preparing food.

Place the cooking utensils in the drawer near the stove. If you are right-handed, put them in the drawer on the right, and if you are left-handed, put them in the drawer on the left. This is also a good thing to consider when setting up dishes for everyday use. If you are right-handed, it should be to the right of the stove, and if you are left-handed, to the left.

How to arrange food? Here it is important to check when it expires best before. It's the best put foods together, whose expiration date expires at the same time – this way you will avoid forgetting certain products. Like with like but there is a rule that should be followed when choosing what type of food it is. For example, it's good to put breakfast food on one shelf, canned goods on another, foods like pasta and rice on the third, baking ingredients on the fourth... Organize yourself so that dry food like pasta, rice, nuts, ... into glass jars and containers. Mark what is in a certain container with a label, so you won't waste time looking for food.

How to arrange kitchen appliances? Since they usually take up a lot of space, first think about which ones you use the most and which ones you use a little less. For example, place the coffee machine and the toaster in a visible place, while the others, which you rarely touch, can be stored in the cupboards.

The feeling that will overwhelm you in a clean and tidy kitchen is worth the effort. Photo: Becca Tapert/Unsplash

Tidying up the kitchen is a task that many people would prefer to avoid, but the feeling that will overwhelm you when you step into a tidy and clean space is definitely worth the effort.

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