
A man will stay with you for the rest of his life if you meet these two conditions!

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

At some point, falling in love ends even in the happiest of relationships, and that's when other things matter! Respect! Understanding! Acceptance! Communication!

Marriages or long-term relationships in which two people live in perfect harmony do not exist.

The famous psychologist Mihail Labkovski says that every love ends at some point. And then the partners do not break up, but nevertheless stay together in marriage, because two things are most important to them. So what is the secret to a happy marriage where love has disappeared?

These are trust, a sense of security, support and understanding.

By the time we hit our forties and fifties, these qualities are far more important to us than butterflies in our stomachs and headache-inducing jealousy. Women who have invested their energy in career, finances and appearance in their lives are very tense during these years, which is reflected in their marriage.

From infatuation to lasting respect. Photo: Yan Krukov / Pexels

A person falls in love with personality, loves individuality, respects self-confidence and independence. Habit binds people, but for how long? At some point in every relationship, there comes a moment when a person just wants to live peacefully, without stress, without interfering with other people. He wants to sail in a calm harbor.

That very ability, yes you don't destroy your partner's comfort zone, but you respect it, it determines how many years you will live together.

So, dear ladies, a man will live with you for the rest of his life under two conditions:

1. if you have something to talk about,

2. if you don't bother yourself with unimportant things

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