
Mandatory equipment, without which there is no good picnic

Indispensable equipment for a picnic

The picnic season is already in full swing. Warm days are just calling to take advantage of them and spend them in the embrace of nature and in the company of the people we love. And if we can't imagine spring, and especially summer, without picnics, we can't imagine them without certain mandatory equipment (more on that below). There is no good picnic without it. You'll soon wonder how you ever got through picnics without them.

Spring and summer are inextricably linked with picnics. And if the red thread of the advice related to them is food, this time we offer you the other side of the picnic, "mother" (read mandatory equipment), as this supports the three corners of the picnic, although we like to overlook this. But there is simply no picnic without them.

READ MORE: Culinary experience - picnics around the world

Check out which, in addition to food, is the mandatory equipment for a picnic and which will make every picnic a hundred times better. A picnic is not just local cuisine and good company, is also a decoration and "Obpiknik" activities and things, which give it additional value and with which you will also do the environment a favor.

Bio plates and utensils

Biodegradable plates and utensils
Biodegradable plates and utensils

With biodegradable plates, cutlery and glasses, you will do yourself a favor, because you will not have to do the washing up, and at the same time, nature will also thank you. Try these: BiMas

Balin balls

Balin balls
Balin balls

Bocce balls or bocce balls are ideal and just the right amount of intense recreation during a picnic. You shouldn't do anything more than that with a full stomach. Try these: Top balls



Forget Tuppeware containers, the right thing for a picnic is a menagerie. Try this: To-Go

Picnic basket

Picnic basket
Picnic basket

Support local and treat yourself to a hand-woven picnic basket. Try this: Picnic basket

Portable speakers

Portable speaker
Portable speaker

A portable speaker for your smartphone or tablet is always a good idea. You never know when you're in the mood for some romantic music. Try these: Zebra

Hard cooler bag

Cooler Bag
Cooler Bag

The choice is large, if you have the opportunity to buy something smart or retro-looking, but it should definitely be hard. Try this: The Coolest

Paper for storing sandwiches

Paper for storing sandwiches
Paper for storing sandwiches

Paper for storing bread, sandwiches and snacks is an indispensable accessory. Because we love big eyes. Try this: Profissimo

Holder for glasses and a bottle

Holder for wine glasses and bottle
Holder for wine glasses and bottle

You know how unstable wine glasses are on grass. Don't pour wine on her, save it for yourself. Try this: Picnic Stix

Mini portable radio

Portable radio
Portable radio

He's not on the radio. Let others choose the music for you. You have other "obligations". Try this: iReadyO

A Swiss or similar multipurpose knife

Multipurpose knife
Multipurpose knife

You don't only need a Swiss knife or a similar knife to carve your initials into a bench or tree, but also to, for example, open a bottle of wine or use a toothpick to get that piece of meat between your teeth. Try this: Le Creuset

Portable grill

Portable grill
Portable grill

There aren't fireplaces everywhere you go, but that doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to only the locations that do. Take the portable grill and let it smell where you want. Try this: GoBQ

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