
ManServants – perfect male servants to serve the ladies

The bare fact is that 'rent-a-stripes' are something that probably no man would defend if given the chance. But when the roles are reversed, so are the feelings. Women are far from glorifying male gigolos the way men glorify erotic dancers. No wonder they say that if you don't like your friend, you order her a stripper. Well, if you like her, you can now order her a male "servant" at ManServants.

ManServants is a young company that offers women exactly what they want: young and beautiful men who do exactly that what they want. No objections. Her wish is his command. And no, the attached video is not a movie trailer, but a clip from real life.

With a male servant, life is childishly easy.
With a male servant, life is childishly easy.

This startup from San Francisco, which was founded by two songwriters, aims to make women feel what it's like to be a lady from Downton Abbey in the 21st century without even needing it property. This 'property', on the male side of these 'servants', stays where it should and does not dance in front of the face, like that of the classic strippers, who come to the home. ManServants is not a provisioning service 'entourage', it's about men who are everyone's girl. They are also not about offering sexual services - although the 'package' comes in a form that will probably set new standards for many women the perfect man– but for offering everything else, one way or another satisfy a woman.

A male servant will not go down on his knees to propose to you, but he will go down on his knees if you order him to.
A male servant will not go down on his knees to propose to you, but he will go down on his knees if you order him to.

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Not every man gets a job at ManServants sculpted bodies, because for the title of male servant, he must also have knowledge of the rules he must follow when performing his job. To achieve this, something is also necessary brain exercises.

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