Why does passion disappear?
Sexual intercourse not only brings partners together, but also has a beneficial effect on the mind and body, and for this reason we should have it as often as possible. But for some, sexuality becomes uninteresting over time. Why?
Researchers from the University of Southampton conducted research among 4,839 women and 6,669 men aged 16 to 74. It turns out that women tire of sexuality much sooner than men. They say that some women lose interest in sex already after 12 months of relationship with a partner.
Many of them admitted that they lost interest in sex in the first year after the birth of a child, others say that the desire dried up because of children under five years old.
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"This may be the result of fatigue from primary care for children. The fact is that everyday stress affects women's sexual performance more than men's. The loss of interest can also be related to a change in focus – instead of the man and their relationship, for women the focus is on the child," explained the authors of the study.
They added that there are also common reasons for decreased sexual desire and lack of emotional intimacy with a partner poor communication and health problems.
For some women, there was a reason arrogant behavior of the partner, and also new tattoos or body piercings. Other factors mentioned include bad experiences in previous sexual relationships and even violent intercourse. 34 percent of women admitted that they were not interested in sex, while 15 percent of men were.