
Mark VIII - Indestructible Protective Gloves

Mark VIII work gloves

At work, people get injured quite quickly. That's why protection is so important. Are you more awkward? Do you hit your toes every time you drive a nail? The Guante Mark VIII protective gloves will ensure that you will never get injured at work again. Not with a saw, not with a hammer, not with an ax, not with a modeler's knife. A heavy object can fall on your hands, you can pinch yourself, and your fingers will remain intact.

Mark VIII they are safety gloves, which you have been waiting for all your life. With them, you can easily drive, saw, cut, chop, carry heavy and sharp objects, without fear of getting injured in the process.

Mark VIII work gloves.
Mark VIII work gloves

Practically indestructible gloves manufactured in Chile by the company ReSafe.

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Despite the durability that the combination gives them cotton, nitrile and mystery material, are extremely flexible and do not hinder your work.

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