
Marm & Ale: beer jam for beer on bread

Marm & Ale beer jam

We usually start the day not with a glass of beer, but with a cup of coffee or tea. Usually jam is also a gelled mixture of sugars and fruit pulp. Why usually? Because the Scottish brewery Innis & Gunn has prepared Marm & Ale, beer jam! From now on, you can also spread beer on bread!

Marm & Ale is a beer jam from an independent Edinburgh brewery Innis & Gunn and is the first of its kind in the world. It's a beer combination India Pale Ale (IPA), which is the predecessor of today's Pale Ale (it boasts a high hop content) and orange Dundee jams, which is added to the jam during boiling.

READ MORE: Beer & Burger Fest / Ljubljana / April 2016

Would you spread beer jam on your bread?
Would you spread beer jam on your bread?

Marmalade has a long tradition in Scotland, and Dundee is said to be considered the first the first marmalade factory in Great Britain. For now, Marm & Ale beer jam is only available in the pub and restaurant The Beer Kitchen, but if the beer jam proves to be a hit with people, it will be sent elsewhere as well.

You can also make beer marmalade yourself at home. Proceed with the process as usual, adding beer during boiling.
You can also make beer marmalade yourself at home. Proceed with the process as usual, adding beer during boiling.

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