
A doomed marriage: You have to agree on this, or you're better off not getting married

There is no magic wand to make a marriage successful, because spouses are the smiths of their own happiness... and only two souls can improve their relationship. If you and your partner haven't had a serious conversation about certain things before you walk down the aisle, it's better to talk or not get married at all.

Before wedding there are many things that need to be done if you want your marriage to last - the most important thing is to talk about the important, possibly uncomfortable, topics that are the deciding factor in what your marriage will be like. In order to avoid surprises and major shocks in your marriage, talk about these 5 things, otherwise you'd better not get married.

You have to agree on this, otherwise it's better not to get married...


Disagreement about children.
Disagreement about children.

Disagreement about the family does not necessarily lead to dissolution of marriage, but it is still important to talk about this topic, because many couples enters into a marriage in which he has one partner different expectations regarding children as another, which affects that opposite the site no longer sees a future with this person. It also plays an important role biological clock, so tell your partner if children they are not in the plan for your future.


Do you want travel the world? Maybe live family life? Or focus completely on career? These decisions are important, so discuss them, what plans do you have for the future? and how they can be reconciled if they differ.


Relations with relatives.
Relations with relatives.

V ideal world all relatives love each other and get along, and in many families it is a reality different. If there is animosity between any of the members, it is more than important that you try to resolve the differences, as these tensions will inevitably affect your relationship as well.


Separate finances in a relationship are something normal, but with marriage this normality destroy, because it is good that you agree, how they will manage money – will have separate or group accounts. Money can jeopardize your relationship and is often the reason for problems in marriage.


Making personal decisions.
Making personal decisions.

You want to enter into a marriage in which your the partner controls, follows your every step and doesn't let you accept own decisions? If you know that this is the case, it is better that you and each other talk about it and try to come to an agreement to remind the other that they are still individuals, who have to make their own decisions.


In society, there is still a belief that a woman must do household chores, but the guidelines are moving in the direction that both are involved in the process of arranging the common living space. It is important that you clarify what your expectations are regarding these things and divide the tasks that you are willing to take on.

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