
Law from Hell: Different Types of Toxic Wives

"Getting married is like reaching into a bag with ninety-nine rattlesnakes and one white-tailed deer. You have a 1 percent chance of pulling out a white-tailed deer, and that's a snake."

When you decided to get married, everything was perfect. She was the woman of your dreams and you couldn't believe that out of all men she chose you. All your friends were jealous because you had the woman (your future wife) they could only dream of. She was kind, loving and the most inspiring person in the world. You could watch her day and night. Your parents also fell in love with her the moment they met her.

But one day you wake up in the morning and realize that you are no longer married to the same person. Your wife has become one of those toxic people you usually avoid.

Your marriage did not change overnight, it is a process in which toxic words and habits accumulate, and the lack of open and honest communication becomes your lifestyle.

It takes two for a marriage (be it healthy or toxic), both partners are responsible for what happens (or doesn't happen) in the marriage. Your marriage turned into a nightmare the moment you stopped fighting for it.

Here is a list of toxic wives and how they affect marriage in a sarcastic way. These types of toxic women can make any man regret getting married.

1. Crazy wife

This is the type of woman that makes you regret waking up in the morning. This is the kind of woman men have been talking about for decades. They are the main topic of every other article and the reason why so many men become hidden alcoholics.

If there's one thing this crazy woman is extremely good at, it's making you feel like you're to blame for everything bad that happens to her; and it will happen soon. Dealing with a crazy wife requires a special set of skills, like admitting you're wrong even when you're not and having an extensive dictionary of trigger words to keep her from turning into a crazy wife on steroids in seconds.

2. Annoying wife

The type of wife who makes you regret not washing the dishes. An annoying wife is the type of wife who does everything in the marriage while her husband lies around all day doing nothing but watching football and drinking with his friends.

An annoying wife has the ability to make you feel as if you are completely incompetent and unable to live without her orders. Her special power makes you fear for your life if you don't do what she asked.

This is the type of woman that makes you regret waking up in the morning.

3. A selfish wife

This is the type of woman who keeps you locked in the house because she demands your attention 24/7. You know you are married to a selfish wife when everything you do for her is not enough. She wants it all, and she wants it now, and it's your job to find a way to make it happen.

If you don't, you'll be the worst husband in the world and every one of her friends will know it. If you disappoint a selfish wife, she will threaten to leave you. Although this sounds like the best thing that could happen to you, you are not happy about it, but you ask her to stay because you can't live without her anymore.

4. Disrespectful wife

This is the type of wife who makes you feel like you are the main cause of your unhappy marriage. A disrespectful wife's favorite hobby is humiliating you in front of others. Her special skill set involves avoiding listening or talking to you.

A disrespectful wife freely flirts with others in front of you with the excuse that you are too boring and never court her. Even though you have achieved so many things in life, she still manages to make you feel inferior. He lives to contradict you, even when he knows he's wrong.

If you live with a toxic wife, the positive thing is that you are improving your critical thinking. It takes skill to deal with some toxic situations and pretend in front of others that you are living your best life when in reality you are actually falling apart inside.

Get married. If you get a good wife, you will become happy; if you get toxic, better luck next time.

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