

WILDLIFE UNDER THE FRAGRANT SPRUCES It takes an hour and a half to drive from Ljubljana to the Mašun guest house. We leave the highway towards the sea at Postojna, then drive to Pivka, where we turn towards Knežak. The road begins to climb and we pass into an area overgrown with forests, on the slopes of the lawns a view of Notranjska opens up. ...

Basic information

every day, in summer from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., in winter from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
050 331 611

WILDLIFE UNDER THE FRAGRANT SPRUCES It takes an hour and a half to drive from Ljubljana to the Mašun guest house. We leave the highway towards the sea at Postojna, then drive to Pivka, where we turn towards Knežak. The road begins to climb and we pass into an area overgrown with forests, on the slopes of the lawns a view of Notranjska opens up. The Mašun guest house is located at 1,023 meters above sea level in the building of a former forester's home. In winter, the hunting and forester's dining room accommodates 100 people, and in summer, just as many can be accommodated outdoors under the fragrant spruce trees. They attract guests with wild boar and bear sausages, and the venison salami is especially delicious. For the very hungry, they prepare venison steak, wild boar roast, bear roast or bear fillet with mushrooms. Fried ribs of wild boar, deer and bear are especially interesting if ordered in advance, and the offer also includes the indispensable venison goulash and sweet venison lasagna. If you don't like the smell of venison, they will be happy to prepare soy meatballs, risotto or gnocchi with mushrooms, a vegetarian plate... The house specialty is mash pancakes with flambéed forest fruits, a scoop of ice cream and cream. The guest house has 13 double rooms, in summer you can rent bicycles, and in winter there is an attractive family ski area with a lift and a toboggan run. The famous Mašun forest learning trail is becoming more and more popular.


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