
Master & Dynamic MW07: truly wireless, truly expensive earbuds

Master & Dynamic MW07

The Master & Dynamic MW07 earbuds are asking almost three hundred dollars after tax, which is more expensive than most competitors.

Master & Dynamic MW07 they are supposed to be very comfortable to wear and should be good at the same time sealed the ear canal, that they are capable solidly suppress the surrounding noise. But that's not all. 10 mm speakers are partly from beryllium, a rather rare chemical element, which should affect better sound. At least that's what the manufacturer claims, how much truth there is, it doesn't matter, because it does naming an exotic chemical element sounds technologically advanced.

They are supposed to do some magic at silicone, from which part of the plug is made, which lies in ear canal. The position of the Bluetooth antennas should be enabled uninterrupted connectivity up to a distance of twenty meters. Both plugs have optical sensor, with which they perceive that they are in "their" place for auto play and stop.

They are saved in a stainless steel box with battery, which can fill the plug up to three times if we don't have access to electrical sockets. With a three-time additional charge, you can, this should be tested live, they work up to that point 14 hours. The sound is getting a new one dimensions!

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