
Matzker Mercedes-Benz X MDX: an adventurous conversion of a luxury pick-up

The Mercedes-Benz X is considered a luxury pick-up truck. But this does not mean that it is not capable of overcoming more demanding terrain. In fact, with a little imagination, it can be quickly transformed into the ultimate off-road vehicle, which, in addition to everything, allows us to stay comfortably. The Matzker MDX conversion transforms a luxury pick-up truck into a real off-road motorhome.

It already works on the outside Mercedes-Benz X with Matzker MDX processing forces interesting. Angular 'trailer' the accessory almost blends into the body of the class X, thanks to the roof 'drawer', which is equipped with LED light strips and color matches the body. But even more interesting things can be found in the interior, where they managed to fit everything we need for camping.

The rear door opens upwards, as we have already seen at classic ones Mercedes-Benz. Behind them hides a small kitchen with a stove, kitchen sink, refrigerator and plenty of extra space for food and other supplies. We have a place to sit during the meal, which otherwise serves as a sleeping area. When we open the roof, we gain enough space for an adult person straightened it stands in the room, but if desired, we can install another one at the height of the roof additionally bed.

Matzker Mercedes-Benz X MDX
Matzker Mercedes-Benz X MDX

For off-road adventures, we've got you covered higher-tuned chassis with bigger ones suspension and rear differential lock. Basic processing will cost you from 89,900 euros further, taking into account additional options and, of course, the Mercedes-Benz X car, the price can rise up to 180,000 euros. Whether this is a lot or not, each individual knows for himself, but if we compare the price with similar conversions, we can quickly find out that the MDX conversion is nothing does not stand out from the average.

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