
On May 30, the New Moon arrives, incredible energy awaits us

Photo: Omid Armin / Unsplash

This astrological phenomenon will completely amaze you. The New Moon on May 30, 2022 will have a strong influence on all zodiac signs. This astrological change will bring unexpected changes in your life.

So the end of May is coming young Moon in Gemini, and with this astrological phenomenon, the portal of eclipses is closing, which will bring many rapid and great changes.

If some things happened to you in the previous period that did not really excite you, then it is time to surrender to the energy of the new moon, which will be everything in your life turned for the better.


Since this is the first such Moon after the eclipse, it brings fresh energy that will manage to encourage and motivate you to cope with all the changes on your path.

Be patient, as you will still feel the influence of retrograde Mercury, which will affect you as the ruler of Gemini during your youth.

The most important thing is that during the time of the new moon, you mostly deal with yourself and organize your thoughts. You need to cleanse yourself of negative emotions and focus only on positive thoughts.


It's not scary and if you don't manage to take a step forward, there's nothing wrong, just keep going, because at that time you will be able to cope with all the problems more easily.

Mercury goes retrograde on June 3rd and it will take some time to return to its previous strength, but then everything will be clear and you will have a clear picture of life. If you want to relax and completely let go of work on yourself and enjoy life, simply go out into nature.

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